Schedule Olympics:
For those of
you who have followed my blogs you probably saw this one coming a mile away. In
the course of my attending over 2000 youth and high school sporting events, a
constant theme has started to emerge. Parents are complaining about their
hectic youth, club, and high school sports child delivery service. Some
combination of all four mixed together has produced a new psychological status paradigm. I call it the “My schedule is so much tougher
than yours Olympics.”
I have
written and talked about the “keep up with the Jones mentality pervasive in
youth and high school sports. ( and society) There is an idea and strong belief
that if I don’t do all these things for and with my children they will fall
behind the other kids, and then there life will somehow be change dramatically
for the worse, forever. (Or at least the parents and coaches are convinced of
Nonstop, at
almost every single event that I attend in my “fly on the wall” mode I hear
this refrain constantly. “My son/daughter has to be at this event at this time
or another. Then I have to go take them to another one the same day in another
city, or hurry back from there to play another game in their hometown. Next
weekend I have to be in three places at once, so my spouse and I won’t see each
other all weekend.” Whoa is me. Look at all I am doing for my kids, Not to be
outdone, another parent chimes in with their schedule, and it is ALWAYS more
hectic than the first parents lament. And when the schedules can’t be ramped up
any higher the amount of money is brought up. They never say exactly how much
they are spending. A simple statement rattled off listing ALL the places,
equipment, and teams that they are involved in so you have no doubt that they
are under a lot of stress and financial burden.
Then the
Gold medal entry comes in. “Well I wish that was all WE had to do for our son. We
had to take him to a Sports Orthopeadic surgeon (Insert Dr. name for status
purposes only.) Then we had to take him to a personal trainer (insert first name
ONLY of trainer for status purposes) and then he went for Physical therapy.
Well it does
not have to be that way. The race they are being told that they are falling
behind does not exist. In actuality, all that running around, is probably causing
their child to be fatigued. This fatigue actually hinders a child’s development
and makes the child more susceptible to injury. Also, psychologically, when a
child feels the pressure to do all these things because they HAVE to and not because
they want to, their desire and passion fade, it becomes a tedious job.
Lastly the data points to rest being a crucial
part of a child’s athletic development, and all the travel, multiple teams, and
multiple events tires children out.
The very
stress that the parents are complaining about for them is actually happening to
their children on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. How ironic. The idea that
you can try and mimic what you THINK top athletes are doing and have your child
become an elite athlete and not be just a weaker copied version is inaccurate.
While expecting professional results from this process is misguided at best and
certainly has the potential to be very unhealthy children are not being allowed
to be children.
At Frozen
Shorts our organic holistic balanced way for a child to develop is less costly
financially, physically, and mentally. The journey taken through the F.S.L.M.
is more long term lasting, healthier, and of course my favorite, more fun!