Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Science, Psychology, and data of youth sports injury prevention

The Science, Psychology, and data of youth sports injury prevention
Frozen Shorts (For all the kids who sit on the bench needlessly freezing their butts off) is a youth sports and high school injury prevention company. We use Science instead of tradition, Psychology instead of theory, and data instead of hunches to forge a new youth and high school sports journey for the children playing, the adults coaching, and the organizations looking to increase participation.
 With 70% of all children quitting playing youth sports before the age of 13, V.J. and his company have developed a new paradigm. This new journey for the children is cheaper, the children get better faster, and they have more fun.  He stresses balance over specialization citing that the more creative kids are the more permanent the physical and athletic skills they develop will be.
His model is very competitive and stresses the fact that children are not mini adults and not micro professional athletes and must learn technical skills as well as life lessons at age appropriate levels. By having fun the negative stress levels are lessened.
 His belief that children learn more from intrinsic realization instead of extrinsic force allows him to apply his paradigm for children in all activities. His holistic organic approach is gaining momentum as VJ has been interviewed all over the United States and parts of Canada.
His quote “It’s not my goal to decide when, how, or if the light goes on. My job is to just keep flipping the switch” resonates to children and adults confused and frustrated over the current paradigm.
V.J. Stanley, President


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