Monday, February 15, 2016

John Calipari and Knowing how to win

After the loss to Kansas, Coach John Calipari told the press: "We had our chances in regulation," Calipari said. "What I told them after is, I've got to do a better job of teaching these kids how to win. They do not know how to win a game." . Of course they don’t.. Do you know why? Because no one knows how to win, nobody. Nobody knows how to teach winning. On some occasions winning a game sends a confusing message when you have not played well.
 His kids have to concentrate on what they are doing every second they are out on the court. They cannot concentrate on the task at hand and still say to themselves “If I do this the team will win, that’s what coach taught us.”
I understand what John meant, but I take great exception to the message sent to youth and high school coaches everywhere by this statement. It’s like when people said Derek Jeter knew how to win.
Let me explain. For those of you who have been to one of my presentations or read some of my blogs, you know John Calipari is front and center in a portion of our talks.
Three years ago Kentucky won a national championship. 2 years ago they did not even make the tournament. Am I to believe that over the summer, after they won the championship, he forgot how to win? Did he forget how to teach how to win? Last year, he got his team all the way to the final four. In the semi-final game his team lost. Once again, at that horrible place and time did he forget how to win?
This year his team has struggled to some extent. He still has awesome talent on the roster but they just aren’t jelling as he would like. He has commented about their lack of consistency and development.
 I want to say at this point during last season he basically went with a platoon system. If one group wasn’t doing well, the next group came in and played. Play by performance by group. It worked. The interterm competition between the players for EARNED playing time lifted the whole team up. Every one runs faster when they are being chased.
I am not saying that he could have duplicated it this year with this roster. BUT>>>>

How’s your way working so far????

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